No Charge to Pay Your Bill Online with Bank Account Info or with your Debit or Credit Card. Call the Office to get your Log In and to set up your BMWC password.
Go Green! Go Green!! Opt in for Paperless Billing! By transitioning from paper to electronic statements, you can help the world take a step towards greater environmental sustainability! You can also help to reduce unwanted clutter and paper waste in your home and/or office.
Electronic billing statements not only saves the planet, it reduces risk of lost statements and added late charges. Call the office or email [email protected] to Sign up for Paperless Emailed Billing!

Postal Service Changes may Delay Mail! On October 1, 2021 the United States Postal Service implemented new service standards that increase time-in-transit by 1 or 2 days for certain first-class mail, meaning it may take up to 5 days or more to deliver some first class mail. This change to their delivery window may affect how soon you get your bill card. It may also cause a delay in our company receiving your mailed payment. Late payment arrival from the postal system DOES NOT consitute late fee forgiveness. Payment will be overdue the 18th of each month. There will be a ten percent (10%) late charge added to each bill that is unpaid after the due date. Receiving your payment any later than the 17th of the month will get you a late fee. Online Pay with Bank Account Info or with your Debit or Credit Card is available on our website. Call the Office to get your Log In and to set up your BMWC password.