Pay online w/Checking Account Info or Gladly Accepting Visa, MasterCard or Discover. No longer accepting American Express as of 3/1/22.

Welcome to Bond Madison Water Company!

We provide clean potable water to our
members at the lowest possible cost.

Pay your bill

No Charge to Pay Your Bill Online with Bank Account Info or with your Debit or Credit Card. Accepting Discover, MasterCard and Visa. As of 3/1/22 NO Longer Accepting American Express.Call the Office to get your Log In and to set up your BMWC password. Meters will be read on or about the 25th of each month. Payment will be overdue the MORNING of the 18th day of each month. There will be a ten percent (10%) late charge added to each bill that is unpaid after the due date.

To Start service

Click on above icon to access transfer form. Please fill out in its entirety, initial where indicated, sign and please mail back to us or you may put it in our nightly drive thru drop box. (You may skip the section/township info) The $ 25.00 transfer fee will be included in your first month’s billing. Completed form can be emailed to [email protected], but THE ORIGINALLY SIGNED FORM MUST be received in our office for our files. If this originally signed form is not rec’d in our office within 10 days of service start, We will lock the meter/turn water off until the originally signed form is rec’d in the office.

Report a problem

During business hours, to report a Non-Emergency Leak or Water Waste, please send email to [email protected] For any emergency situation, please call Marty at Phone#618-593-6225. Email is not monitored after work hours.

BMWC 29th Annual Meeting Minutes 
March 4, 2025

Darren Apken, President, called the 29th Annual Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting opened with Randy Haukap leading the Pledge of Allegiance.

Attorney Jeffrey Mollet reported that the 1% quorum had been met with 59 contract holders in attendance.
Darren Apken then introduced members of the Board, Engineer, Legal Counsel, Contractor, and employees.After providing 27 years of service, Contractors, Kenny and Kelly Haller will no longer provide services after April ’25.Darren then turned the meeting over to Mike VonderHaar, Secretary of the Board, who provided proof of the Annual Meeting Notice and pointed out that the 2024 Annual Meeting minutes were included on the agenda. Darwin Kirsch made a motion to accept the minutes.Janet Waligorski 2nd. Motion carried.
Mike VonderHaar gave an update on the Bond/Madison’s Rounding up for your Community Program. The Program was implemented in February 2020. Currently having approximately 336 contributors for a total collected in the past year of around $ 1865.70. Grand total collected from inception being $ 8377.73. The collected money was placed in a special savings account with a balance of $ 652.73 as of December 31, 2024. The Round Up committee met during the year and reviewed submitted applications. The following were approved recipients of a $ 250.00 award: Pocahontas School Library, Eden’s glory, Youth Core Ministries (Bond County Core Community), Pocahontas Little League, Bond County Senior Center, Pocahontas United Methodist Church Food Pantry, Sorento Food Pantry and Back to the Farm. The following were approved recipients of a $200.00 award: Leaps of Love, Lemual Rhodes Cancer Foundation, Bond County Humane Society, Immanuel Lutheran Church Food Pantry, Pleasant Mound Community Center and The Simple Room. The Board approved to make these award donations to each of the above-mentioned community organizations abiding by Bond/Madison’s Rounding up for your Community policy guidelines. Members were encouraged to donate to the
Rounding Up for your Community Program by calling the office.
Mr. Eyman submitted the Treasurer’s Report directing the membership to review the Profit/Loss and Balance sheet printed on the agenda. Any questions can be answered at the meeting, or anytime at the office. With the financial reports being in good order, Mark Carpenter made a motion to approve them. Gary Kreutzberg 2nd.  Motion carried.
Bob Massa of Juneau and Associates took the floor to give an update on the “Project” of water main looping, tower painting, telemetry system replacement, and water system improvements. “Project” is moving forward with bid opening.Bond & Madison County easements and township permits are being secured. BMWC to receive 80% loan forgiveness from IEPA saving the company just under $ 1.6 Million dollars on a 2-Million-dollar project amount. Water main construction would start late Summer 2025, tank painting in Fall 2025/Spring 2026 and SCADA in Fall 2025.
Attorney Jeffrey Mollet presented the slate of nominees and explained voting procedure. Incumbents Tom Eyman of Bond County and Bob Schrumpf of Madison County are each running for a three-year term. Rich Accornero has been nominated by the Village of Pocahontas for a 3-year term representing the bulk users-Only bulk users will vote.All Bond County and Madison County candidates are running unopposed. Mollet asked for a motion to accept the slate as presented. Richard Suhre made a motion to accept.Jane Childerson 2nd motion. Motion carried.
Rich Accornero was presented as an unopposed nominee for bulk water representative. Mr. Mollet asked bulk representatives to accept the nomination of Rich Accornero. Mr. Mollet asked for a motion to accept the slate as presented.Laura Knackstedt (Grantfork representative) so moved. Darren Apken (Marine representative) 2nd.Motion carried.
President Darren Apken asked if there was any unfinished business. None stated. The President then asked if there was any new business for discussion. Marty Landmann, Manager/Operator, took the floor to inform the membership that regretfully the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) granted Illinois American Water (IAWC) a rate adjustment of an increase of 18%, effective with the January 2025 billing. In February 2024, IAWC submitted a request to the ICC for a 38% rate increase. In August 2024, BMWC increased rates $ .55/1000 gallons. A portion of this increase was in preparation forthe impending IAWC increase. Currently, we are tracking our income and expenses closely to keep any possible future rate increases to a minimum. A Rural Development loan for $ 168,469 was paid off in February 2025 with income funds as well as a reserve savings CD. Total expenses for 2024 only went up around $ 5,000 from the previous year. Unbudgeted income for 2024 of earned interest and CoBank patronage will be used in future budget calculations. BMWC changed banking institutions in October 2024 generating an additional $ 600 per month of earned interest.
Doug Frank made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Linda Heimsath 2ndmotion. Meeting adjourned.
Each member submitting signed invitation card at the registration desk to receive a BMWC $ 10.00 bill credit. BMWC $ 50.00 bill credit winners were: Bernice Lurkins, Nancy Hanratty and Linda Heimsath of Bond County and Steve McClimans, Keith Haberer andDoug Frank from Madison County. Applebee’s Dinner/AMC Movie Theater gift cards winners were Tina Tompkins and Janet Waligorski.


New Payment Processor

On May 31, 2025, we will no longer have a debit or credit card processing company to
take care of your BMWC payments. We are sorry for this inconvenience and want the best for
our customers and want to make sure you get the best experience possible. Effective immediately, we
will be transitioning into a new payment processing software provider. Due to increasing debit/credit
card transaction service fees, we would like to introduce you to our preferred payment option – ACH
Bank Pull, which you can trust to make payments with us quickly and safely. We encourage you to
use this new payment method, so you don’t incur any possible future debit or credit card transaction service processing fees.

If you are now signed up for our ACH 10th of the month electronic payment, your
scheduled 10th of the Month Autopay draft on April 10th will not be processed until
BMWC gets the attached form BMWC ACH Bank Pull Form  you call in the information to Lori @ 618-669-2861
Be prepared to give Lori your bank routing number, checking or savings account number, bank
name and location and if the account is a personal or business account.

**Hassle-free payments: Automate your payments to help make your life easier and alleviate potential
worries and unnecessary late fees. The past year continues to impact many of the services the United
States Postal Service offers. Bank accounts never expire: Keep your information up-to-date and your payments are processed smoothly.

 **Security is our top priority: ACH pays through our local bank, which protects you from unauthorized payments.
Setting up an ACH Bank Pull payment is simple. Please fill out the attached form BMWC ACH Bank Pull Form and mail back to us, fax to 618-669-0222 or drop off at our office at 103 Park Street in Pocahontas or you may call the information in to Lori at phone# 618-669-2861.

Thanks again for your support. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your
understanding and cooperation during this transition. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us at 618-669-2861 or email Lori at [email protected]

To pay your 4/1/25 billing by using ACH Bank Pull, we will need info on or before
April 8th. If you miss the April 8th deadline, you will need to get payment to us in a
different manner. Office Hours-Monday through Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.Night drop box slot in drive thru available 24/7

Common Questions asked thus far, I’m already signed up for ACH. Do I need to let you know our info?     YES!

Can I still send a paper personal check?  YES!

Can I still use online bank bill pay?  Yes, but remember some banks mail checks to us, so pay early.

The ACH Form link:

BMWC ACH Bank Pull Form

There will be a ten percent (10 %) late charge added to each bill that is unpaid after the due date. Failure to receive billing or USPS mailing delays do not constitute late fee forgiveness. Bank bill payments may be debited from customers bank account on or before due date. Bank uses 3rd party processor to mail a check. This check may incur USPS delays that may impact prompt delivery of the check. Late fees will process on the 18th of the month around noon. Any payment received after that time will be charged the above-mentioned late charge.

Rate Increase Effective  August 1, 2024 Billing
The Bond Madison Water Company (BMWC) Board of Directors voted at the June 10, 2024, monthly meeting to increase water rates 55 cents per 1000 gallons of water effective on your August 1, 2024 billing. BMWC absorbed unexpected surcharges from our water supplier, Illinois American Water Company, from April to December 2023. These surcharges were applied again in April 2024.  After a rate increase (27%) in February 2023, Illinois American Water Company (IAWC) was allowed by the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) to apply surcharges of 10 – 14 % to Bond Madison Water Company’s bill each month. BMWC cannot bear these costs any longer.

Illinois American Water Company has once again applied to the Illinois Commerce Commission for another rate Adjustment. This could increase charges to BMWC by as much as 38.9% in 2025 and an additional 3.5% in 2026. These are the percentages requested by Illinois American Water Company and are under review by The Illinois Commerce Commission. The new rates approved by the ICC will going into effect for February 2025 billing. BMWC will be following this case closely and will be forced to adjust our rates according to the ICC ruling. 

Illinois American Water Company Rate Case / ICC Docket P2024-0097

On February 8, 2024, Illinois American Water Company (IAWC) applied to the Commerce Commission (ICC) for a rate increase.  Illinois American projects that this increase will affect Bond Madison Water Company by as much as 39%.  Deadline for Commission action is June 22, 2024

ICC Public Comment by Bond Madison Water Company (BMWC)on May 30, 2024

I am submitting this comment on behalf of Bond Madison Water Company (BMWC), Pocahontas, Illinois. BMWC is a rural, not-for-profit water company serving more than 2600 rural residences, 8 villages, and 1 rural water district in Bond and Madison counties. BMWC is a sale-for-resale customer that purchases 100% of its water, approximately 360 million gallons annually, from Illinois American Water Company’s (IAWC) Granite City and East St. Louis treatment facilities. BMWC is contractually bound to purchase all its water from IAWC, preventing BMWC from having the opportunity to find another source of water to provide to our customers.

In February 2023, BMWC received a 27% increase in rates, forcing us to pass a 25% increase to our rural and village member users. Additionally, two months later, IAWC applied surcharges to the purchase price equaling another increase of more than 10%. Included in these surcharges is the Quality Infrastructure Program (QIP) Surcharge. This surcharge, which funds IAWC infrastructure improvements has ranged from 2.5% to 12.5% in recent years. In 2023 alone, the QIP surcharge cost BMWC more than $48,000.

Currently IAWC is requesting a rate increase to fund $557,000,000 to aid in “replacing aging infrastructure.” If this rate increase is granted, IAWC will raise the rate that BMWC pays approximately 20% in 2025 and an additional 2% in 2026, amounting to a 51% increase in purchase cost to BMWC in just four years.

Recently IAWC has acquired or purchased several municipal water and wastewater systems, some, or all of which needed repair or upgrades prior to the acquisition. I assume that the requested $557,000,000 rate increase is to help fund upgrades in these systems. If this is the case, we feel it is unfair that BMWC should have to pay to upgrade these systems only for IAWC to profit from. BMWC only utilizes a very minute portion of IAWC’s water distribution system. I would like to add that BMWC is solely a water purchaser from IAWC. We believe it is unjust that $136,000,000 of wastewater improvements is included in the same rate case.

It is also our understanding that entities (other sale-for-resale customers) under contract negotiations or potential acquisition by IAWC receive better “deals” or rates for water purchases. It is my experience that production and maintenance costs are the same whether your contract is a 40-year term or has expired. When one entity receives special consideration, another less fortunate entity is forced to make up the difference in lost revenues.

As a not-for-profit entity, BMWC strives to provide the best quality water to our customers at the lowest possible cost, which has become increasingly more difficult. In 2023 BMWC spent nearly 55% of its annual operating budget purchasing water from IAWC. We believe it is unfair, unnecessary, and unjust for Illinois American Water Company to request a $557,000,000 rate increase after they received the previously mentioned 37% increase in 2023 (27% increase in water rates plus 10% in surcharges). We would also like to point out that IAWC shareholders benefited from a profit rate of 10.75% while the company itself saw an estimated $1.8 billion in profits over the last two years.

We request that the officers of the Illinois Commerce Commission keep in mind that they are appointed to serve the residents of the State of Illinois, not just the shareholders of Illinois American Water Company.

The Citizens Utility Board (CUB) Claim Article Published on 25News Now

We are asking all customers to take a “stand” on this IAWC Increase. Please review all information and voice your opinion in public comments section on the ICC website.

How to File a Public Comment with the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC)

Any Illinois resident may comment regarding Illinois Commerce Commission cases.  You can file a comment on their website by going to

You may also provide comments by calling the Illinois Commerce Commission’s toll-free number at 800-524-0795.

Some things to note when filing a public comment:

  • Bond Madison Water Company is a Not-for-Profit water system serving more than 2,600 household meters, eight communities and a water district. This rate hike will adversely affect the residents of Alhambra, Grantfork, Hamel, Livingston, Marine, Pocahontas, St. Jacob, Worden, and the members of Three County Water District.
  • In February 2023, Bond Madison Water Company received a 27% increase in rates from Illinois American Water Company. In addition to the 27%, Illinois American Water Company imposed surcharges of more than 10% to the Bond Madison Water Company bill each month beginning in April 2023.
  • As a customer of Bond Madison Water Company, you are directly affected by the percentage of rate increase assigned to Illinois American Water.


In addition to Filing a Public Comment, Contact Your Legislative Representative

  • Governor J.B. Pritzker, 401 South Spring Street, Springfield, IL 62704
  • Governor Julia Stratton, 214 State House, Springfield, IL 62076
  • Senator Richard Durbin, 525 South 8th Street, Springfield, IL 62703
  • Representative Mike Bost, 205 East Harnett Street, Mascoutah, IL 62258
  • Senator Jason Plummer, 310 West Gallatin Street, Vandalia, IL 62471
  • Representative Charles Meier, 121 Broadway, Suite 1, Highland, IL 62249
  • Representative Blaine Wilhour, P.O. Box 1, Louisville, IL 62076
  • Senator Tammy Duckworth, 8 South Old State Capital Plaza, Springfield, IL 62701
  • Representative Mary Miller, 3236 Broadway Street, Suite 200, Quincy, IL 62301

Any help you can give on this matter will be greatly appreciated.

The Bond Madison Water Company Board of Directors, Manager and Employees

Click the "Report" Icon to view your BMWC 2023 ANNUAL WATER QUALITY REPORT
Click on above “report” icon to view your 


or go to Water Education tab on our website and

 drop down to Annual Water Quality Report

or paste this into your browser:


Consumer Confidence Reports (CCRs), also known as water quality reports or drinking water quality reports, provide you with important information about the quality of your drinking water.The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires every community water supplier to provide a CCR to its customers.

This report is designed to inform you about the quality of water delivered to you over the past year.  If you have any questions about this report or concerning your water utility, please contact our water supply operator, Marty Landmann at 618-669-2861 or attend any of our regularly scheduled meetings. They are held at 7:00 p.m. on the second Monday of each month at the Water Company office, 103 Park Street, Pocahontas.

Bond Madison Water Company purchases your water from Illinois American Water Company.  This water is piped from the Granite City Water Treatment Plant which receives water from the Mississippi River.  The Granite City distribution system also has an interconnection with the East St. Louis distribution system.  Water is routinely supplied to the Granite City system through that connection.  A source water assessment has been completed by the Illinois EPA and a copy is available upon request by contacting Jamie Gough, Illinois American’s Water Quality Supervisor, at 618-250-8723. To view a summarized version of the completed Source Water Assessments you may access the IEPA website at

IEPA considers all surface water sources of community water supply to be susceptible to potential pollution problems, hence, the reason for mandatory treatment for all surface water supplies in Illinois.  Mandatory treatment includes coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection.

Bond Madison Water Company routinely monitors for contaminants in your drinking water according to Federal and State laws.  The first table in this report shows the results of Illinois American’s monitoring for the period of January 1st to December 31st, 2023, at their Granite City supply. Because customers may at times receive water from the East St. Louis supply, the second table contains the monitoring information from that distribution system.  The third table includes the system monitoring data for Bond Madison Water Company for the same period.

You can now view your 2023 Annual Water Quality Report at:

For a paper copy, call 618-669-2861 or Email [email protected] or

 send your request in writing to: Bond Madison Water Co., P.O. Box 287, Pocahontas, IL 62275


COMBAT USPS DELAYS with Paperless Billing and Electronic Payments!

It is no secret that delays within the United States Postal Service system have created issues for individuals and businesses alike. We recognize that your water usage billing has been impacted by these shipping delays which can lead to unnecessary late fee charges, and we want to alleviate that stress as much as possible. We have a simple solution: paperless billing and electronic ACH 10th of the month payments! While we know some customers are committed to sending checks and receiving invoices by mail, we are encouraging everyone to consider utilizing our paperless billing and electronic payment options as an alternative during these uncertain times.

Emailed Paperless Billing

Shipping delays have made receiving your invoice by mail unreliable. Signing up for paperless billing means your invoice will be in your inbox 18-20 days before your payment is due. All you have to do is contact our office and we will take care of setting up paperless billing for you. We offer automatic 10th of the month ACH withdrawals. Payments can be linked to your checking account, debit, or credit card. The variety of electronic payment options offered will allow you to avoid having to send out a check via mail altogether. This means faster processing times and ultimately, fewer headaches for you.

To take matters in your own hands, you may pay each month by making your own payment.

Step 1: Call Lori @ the office to get set up with a log in & Password.

Step 2: Go to:

Step 3: Click or tap on “Pay Online” at the right top of your screen.

Step 4: Sign into your account

Step 5: Pay your bill securely via debit, credit card or directly from your bank account.


To pay by phone:

Step 1: Call 618-669-2861

Step 2: Pay your bill via debit or credit card or directly from your bank account.

Business Office Hours; Mon-Thurs, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


Pay at our office:

Drop off check payment 24/7 to drop slot in drive thru @ 103 Park Street, Pocahontas

Pay your bill via debit or credit card, cash or check or directly from your bank account.

These payments can be processed @ 103 Park Street-Pocahontas Business Office Hours; Mon-Thurs, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

The past year continues to impact many of the services the United States Postal Service offers. It has also had a monumental impact on the way we do business. Our one true goal has always stayed the same, and that is to be there for our customers. That is why features like our paperless billing, electronic payment and self-controlled online payment options exist—to help make your life easier and alleviate potential worries and unnecessary late fees. We cannot control delays within the Postal Service, but we can control how we do business. Consider trying out one of our electronic payment options during these uncertain times!


From: Miss Tina, Pocahontas School Librarian..”Thank you for supporting community organizations and specifically the Pocahontas School libarary, as a recipient of the “Round Up” program. We needed a bookshelf that would fit within our existing space, provide shelves with enough height to accomodate our tall picture books and additional shelf space as our libary grows. After a long search, we found just the right item for these books to call home; to keep them protected, organized and easy to access for our younger students. We were also able to purchase a handful of new books about the water cycle, clean water, water pollution and water conservation. As a result of your donation, our libary space will be improved and the new books will help bring awareness and education to our students about one of our most precious natural resources-water! Thank you for investing in our students at Pocahontas School and our water future.


Per Sandy w/Bond County Core Community-“Thank you for your generous donation. Together we can continue to make a difference!”

Per Erika w/Partners for Pets-“Thank you for your donation to Partners for Pets. We are so grateful to have such support from people like you in our community. Your donation enables Partners to continue our mission of rescuing dogs and cats in the area, giving them a second chance. We appreciate your donation”

Per Ginger w/Eden’s Glory-“We are so grateful to be a recipient of the Round Up grant”

Per Bond County Senior Citizens Center-“Sincere Thanks, it was deeply appreciated”

On behalf of the Simple Room families, kids and staff THANK YOU for your generous support of our summer program, Project 24. Gifts like yours help us to provide meaningful summer experiences for kids, Kin-8th grade.  We also employ H.S. students to help us run the program and gifts help us to pay these students. Our summer program offers classes three times a week in the following subjects: reading, math, typing, recreation. We also offer the following electives once a week: art, STEM projects, garden, hiking, frisbee, volleyball, scrapbooking, baking, science, international club and basketball. Thanks again!

Hannah Cowman

Director of Development

The Simple Room


Below are some pictures from the ArtBus event held at the Rte 66 creamery in Hamel that Bond Madison’s Rounding Up contribution helped us to fund! Our featured project that day turned card board strips and up-cycled bottle caps and beads to make animal ‘clackers’ or noise makers. Our motto at the MAC is ‘Art to All.’ With the ArtBus we are able to promote creative development and provide art education opportunities in smaller communities that are often overlooked. Thank you so much for making what we do possible! 


Macoupin Art Collective
115 E Main St
Staunton, IL 62088

Thanks to the generosity of our Bond Madison Water Company (BMWC) members, $7750.00 has been given back to Not for Profit and Charitable organizations in our general service territory since the program’s inception in 2020.

Rounding up for your Community is just what its name implies. Rounding up funds are generated through a voluntary rounding up of members’ water bills to the nearest dollar. This change is used to assist and provide monetary assistance to not for profit/charitable organizations in our service area.

For those who participate in Rounding up program, the rounding up results in an average donation of approximately $ 6.00 per year. No contribution will exceed $ 12.00 per account per year. We hope every BMWC member will participate. When more members contribute, more help can be given! If you would like to participate in the payment rounding program, please email: [email protected] or by simply checking the box on your payment remittance stub.

2024 Rounding up for your Community $$ have been awarded to:

Eden’s Glory

Back to the Farm

Pocahontas School Library

Bond County Core Community (YCM)

Pocahontas Little League

Bond County Senior Citizens Center Inc.

United Methodist Church Pocahontas Food Pantry

Sorento Food Pantry

Leaps of Love

Lemuel Rhodes Cancer Foundation

Bond County Humane Society

Immanuel Lutheran Church

Pleasant Mound Community Center

Simple Room


2023 Rounding up for your Community $$ have been awarded to:

Pocahontas School Library

Bond County Core Community (YCM)

Pocahontas Little League

Pleasant Mound Community Center

The Simple Room

Bond County Humane Society

Partners for Pets Humane Society

Macoupin Art Collective

Leaps of Love

Lemuel Rhodes Cancer Foundation

Bond County Law Enforcement Assoc.

If you are an organization that needs assistance, please apply for $$. Applications can be completed by tax-exempt organizations/charity groups.

Blank applications are available by clicking icon above where indicated. Completed applications can be submitted by:

Mailing to – BMWC, P.O. Box 287, Pocahontas, IL 62275

Congratulations to our 2023 Round Up Recipients-The Pocahontas Little League, YCM (Bond County Core Community), Pleasant Mound Community Center, The Simple Room, Bond County Humane Society, Partners for Pets Humane Society, Macoupin Art Collective, Pocahontas School Library, Leaps of Love, Lemuel Rhodes Cancer Foundation and Bond County Law Enforcement Association.


Congratulations to our 2022 Round Up Recipients-The Simple Room, Bond County Senior Citizens Center Food Pantry, Bond County Humane Society, Pleasant Mound Community Center and Leaps of Love.


Congratulations to our 2021 Round Up Recipients-Bond County Senior Citizens Center, The Simple Room, The Pokey UMC Food Bank, The Pocahontas Little League, Sorento Food Pantry, Pleasant Mound Community Center and Immanual Lutheran Church.

BMWC Treasurers Reporting
2024 Rounding up for your Community Annual Meeting Update
A Gigantic Crowd at March 5, 2024 Annual Meeting
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