Your Bond Madison Water Company Board

Left to Right: Tom Eyman, Treasurer
Brent Whittaker, Bond County Representative
Randy Haukap, Vice President
Lawrence Schwarz, Bulk Representative for Village of Grantfork
David Frueh, Madison County Representative
Mike VonderHaar, Secretary
Rich Accornero, Bulk Representative for Village of Pocahontas
Darren Apken, Bulk Representative for Village of Marine
Robert Schrumpf, President
Your Bond Madison Water Company Team

Left to Right: Joey Stief, Field Operator
Lori Kalous, Clerical Bookkeeper
Marty Landmann, Operator Manager
Paul Rode, Field Operator
2019 Bond Madison Water Company Board

Left to Right: Darren Apken, David Frueh, Mike VonderHaar, Tom Eyman, Lawrence Schwarz, Rich Accornero, Robert Schrumpf, Randy Haukap and Brent Whittaker