The Bond Madison's Rounding Up for Your Community

From: Miss Tina, Pocahontas School Librarian..”Thank you for supporting community organizations and specifically the Pocahontas School libarary, as a recipient of the “Round Up” program. We needed a bookshelf that would fit within our existing space, provide shelves with enough height to accomodate our tall picture books and additional shelf space as our libary grows. After a long search, we found just the right item for these books to call home; to keep them protected, organized and easy to access for our younger students. We were also able to purchase a handful of new books about the water cycle, clean water, water pollution and water conservation. As a result of your donation, our libary space will be improved and the new books will help bring awareness and education to our students about one of our most precious natural resources-water! Thank you for investing in our students at Pocahontas School and our water future.
Per Ginger w/Eden’s Glory-“We are so grateful to be a recipient of the Round Up grant”
Per Sandy w/Bond County Core Community-“Thank you for your generous donation. Together we can continue to make a difference!”
Per Bond County Senior Citizens Center-“Sincere Thanks, it was deeply appreciated”
Per Erika w/Partners for Pets-“Thank you for your donation to Partners for Pets. We are so grateful to have such support from people like you in our community. Your donation enables Partners to continue our mission of rescuing dogs and cats in the area, giving them a second chance. We appreciate your donation”
We are so appreciative of last year’s grant funds.
Popular book series work great in this 2 tiered carousel that has saved a lot of space for our expanding library!
Thanks again,
Miss Tina
Pocahontas Librarian
First of all I want to say “Thank you” for the Round Up donation. It is greatly appreciated. With the money we raise we buy gas cards to get applicants to doctors appointments and treatments. If an applicant needs a ride to treatments we have a couple different avenues open to us and we pay the bill. We buy IGA and Wayne’s cards to help with groceries. We also help with co-payments and some medical bills. In the past twenty years we have helped at least 250 families. We just had our Celebration of Life on Saturday September 16th. There were over 400 luminaries set up remembering family and friends that had cancer. I am attaching a photo in another email. On Thursday September 21st we have the survivor dinner free to all cancer survivors and their caregivers that wish to come.
Again Thank you for the donation.
Karen Kessinger Applicant Liason
On behalf of the Simple Room families, kids and staff THANK YOU for your generous support of our summer program, Project 24. Gifts like yours help us to provide meaningful summer experiences for kids, Kin-8th grade. We also employ H.S. students to help us run the program and gifts help us to pay these students. Our summer program offers classes three times a week in the following subjects: reading, math, typing, recreation. We also offer the following electives once a week: art, STEM projects, garden, hiking, frisbee, volleyball, scrapbooking, baking, science, international club and basketball. Thanks again!
Hannah Cowman
Director of Development
Below are some pictures from the ArtBus event held at the Rte 66 creamery in Hamel that Bond Madison’s Rounding Up contribution helped us to fund! Our featured project that day turned card board strips and up-cycled bottle caps and beads to make animal ‘clackers’ or noise makers. Our motto at the MAC is ‘Art to All.’ With the ArtBus we are able to promote creative development and provide art education opportunities in smaller communities that are often overlooked. Thank you so much for making what we do possible!
Macoupin Art Collective
115 E Main St
Staunton, IL 62088
(618)635-2015 macart.org
Rounding Up For Your Community
Thanks to the generosity of our Bond Madison Water Company (BMWC) members, $7750.00 has been given back to Not for Profit and Charitable organizations in our general service territory since the program’s inception in 2020.
Rounding up for your Community is just what its name implies. Rounding up funds are generated through a voluntary rounding up of members’ water bills to the nearest dollar. This change is used to assist and provide monetary assistance to not for profit/charitable organizations in our service area.
For those who participate in Rounding up program, the rounding up results in an average donation of approximately $ 6.00 per year. No contribution will exceed $ 12.00 per account per year. We hope every BMWC member will participate. When more members contribute, more help can be given! If you would like to participate in the payment rounding program, please email: [email protected] or by simply checking the box on your payment remittance stub.
2024 Rounding up for your Community $$ have been awarded to:
Eden’s Glory
Back to the Farm
Pocahontas School Library
Bond County Core Community (YCM)
Pocahontas Little League
Bond County Senior Citizens Center Inc.
United Methodist Church Pocahontas Food Pantry
Sorento Food Pantry
Leaps of Love
Lemuel Rhodes Cancer Foundation
Bond County Humane Society
Immanuel Lutheran Church
Pleasant Mound Community Center
Simple Room
2023 Rounding up for your Community $$ have been awarded to:
Pocahontas School Library
Bond County Core Community (YCM)
Pocahontas Little League
Pleasant Mound Community Center
The Simple Room
Bond County Humane Society
Partners for Pets Humane Society
Macoupin Art Collective
Leaps of Love
Lemuel Rhodes Cancer Foundation
Bond County Law Enforcement Assoc.
If you are an organization that needs assistance, please apply for $$. Applications can be completed by tax-exempt organizations/charity groups. Blank applications are available below by clicking on “Round up Application” Completed applications can be submitted by: Mailing to – BMWC, P.O. Box 287, Pocahontas, IL 62275 Fax – (618) 669-0222 or Email – [email protected]