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About Us

The Bond Madison Water Company grew from a small group of southern Bond County landowners and a village suffering from a shortage of water into a two county rural distribution system. In August of 1993 a few people looking for a safe water supply for their dairies, homes and businesses met to discuss their options. Word spread through Bond and Madison Counties and the project quickly expanded.

Water began flowing to the bulk customers and 750 rural households in the fall of 1998. With the completion of the fifth phase in 2010, twenty-three hundred rural households and the communities of Alhambra, Hamel, Grantfork, Livingston, Marine, Pocahontas, St. Jacob and Worden and the Three County Public Water District are served by approximately 400 mile of water main.

This Not-for-Profit rural water system directly and indirectly supplies water to more than 15,000 individuals. Not-for-Profit rural water companies are mutual companies (i.e. cooperatives) which are owned by their members/customers (who are rural landowners and farmers and small rural communities). The basic purpose of such a company is to provide clean potable water to its customers/members at the lowest possible cost.

Your Bond Madison Water Company Board

Left to Right: Tom Eyman, Treasurer
Brent Whittaker, Bond County Representative
Randy Haukap, Vice President
Lawrence Schwarz, Bulk Representative for Village of Grantfork
David Frueh, Madison County Representative
Mike VonderHaar, Secretary
Rich Accornero, Bulk Representative for Village of Pocahontas
Darren Apken, Bulk Representative for Village of Marine

Robert Schrumpf, President

Your Bond Madison Water Company Team

Left to Right: Joey Stief, Field Operator
Lori Kalous, Clerical Bookkeeper
Marty Landmann, Operator Manager
Paul Rode, Field Operator

Why Us?

Lowest Possible Cost

Not-For-Profit Company

Clean Potable Water

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